“No man is above the law and no man is below it: nor do we ask any man's permission when we ask him to obey it.”
Theodore Roosevelt
In November 2000, MM~LAW established the first legal counterterrorism defense law practice to assist victims of terrorism. The primary goal is to force the financiers of terrorism to compensate their victims.
Our approach is based upon the following multi-pronged strategy:
- Legal representation of clients on a strict, contingent success-fee basis without upfront charge to clients;
- Follow the money trail and map the terrorist organizations;
- Develop admissible evidence linking the financiers to the terrorists;
- Enter into strategic partnerships with top-tier litigation law firms in target jurisdictions;
- Initiate litigation against the terrorist financiers and financial networks.
In order to implement this strategy we created the following team:
- Terror-finance research task force;
- Client support team;
- Legal research and liaison group.
We have expanded our practice to include representation, exclusively on a contingency basis, of victims of genocide, crimes against humanity, torture, human trafficking, and slavery and are dedicated to obtaining some measure of individual justice for the victims of heinous crimes. The research task force is dedicated to researching the finance networks enabling and supporting international jihadist terrorist organizations as well as perpetrators, state, and non-state actors, of these grave violations of international human rights and international humanitarian law. Our research is conducted primarily in Arabic and Farsi, but also in English, French, German, Hebrew, Kurdish, Portuguese, and Spanish. We have built a database of over one half million documents from various sources of information. The research is "operational research" meaning it is supervised by attorneys specifically for the purpose of discovering and developing evidence admissible in courts of law, our "theater of operations," in order to bring lawsuits against the terrorist financial and support networks.
Our sources of information include:
- Discovery obtained in various lawsuits and judicial proceedings;
- Evidence introduced in criminal and civil terrorism trials in U.S., Israel, Iraq, Kenya, UK, Spain, Germany, Argentina, France, and other countries;
- Newspapers and media reports in Arabic, Farsi, and other languages;
- Websites sponsored by terrorist organizations;
- Documents seized by the U.S. Army in Iraq and Afghanistan;
- Documents seized by the Israel Defense Forces in Palestinian Authority;
- Official publications of US. Department of Justice, Defense, State, Congress, CIA;
- Official publications of Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs;
- Official publication of European and South American governments;
- Documents obtained from Iraqi government;
- Documents obtained from various other governments;
- Documents obtained from UN archives;
- Radical Islamic websites and chat rooms;
- Materials obtained in cooperation with investigative reporters and think tanks;
- Other sources.
MM~LAW currently represents over 12,000 victims from over 26 countries.
The Client Support Team establishes personal contact with each client and coordinates the collection of all relevant documentation to establish the identity of the client, his/her injury/murder, connection of all family relatives to client decedents, pathology reports, medical records, payroll and earnings reports, and relevant person and family records. In short, all documentation necessary to submit as evidence in court. The team also maintains regular communication with each client, submitting progress reports as well as maintaining personal communication. The Client Support Team works closely with various NGOs in a number of countries.